Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Vibes & Random Quotes

Once you go through something you think will kill you and it doesn’t, every day is like a present.
~Elissa B. Terris 

Others all around us are going through such awful things - illness, death, abuse, and the list goes on. In the grand scheme of things, I am a truly lucky girl.

In that context, I feel so selfish and silly to admit that it took me a long time and possibly a bout of minor depression to get to this place. But I am a happy, thankful person as of lately. Each day I am choosing joy. If nothing else, I hope to bring a smile to another person's face each day.  

 Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.
~Grandma Moses
Life is in fact what you make it, and I am trying to be more proactive in making choices that will bring me happiness and wonderful memories ~ partly because living alone has put me more in touch with what makes me feel accomplished and satisfied.

I have gotten a better balance in my life between work and personal time. I've done some successful apartment shopping {more on that later}. I have so many unbelievable friends {despite them not all being here in the city}. I have a loving family. I am proud of my independence and all that I have learned in the previous months. And I have learned to laugh at myself during not so proud moments ~ truly a gift at times!

To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it means that once we know, we must seek it.
~Marsha Sinetar

Although I am still uncertain about many things, I have learned so much and am becoming much more comfortable with my new life. I have a better appreciation for the relationships in my life {old and new} and the wonderful memories and experiences I have been so lucky to have. I am beyond blessed. And thank you to each of you reading for being a major contributor to my overflowing joy!


Krista said...

I am so proud of you. I have seen that change firsthand, seen how hard of a transition it can be, and seen you've now found yourself again :) I hope I can learn from your experiences and I'm glad you'll be there for me!

Anthony Jones said...

Great approach to life, Amy. People will love being around you because of it.

Maggie said...

I love reading this. Hopefully I will get there soon but you are right we are so lucky and I need to realize that more often.