Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Getting My Life Back....One Day at a Time

I left work yesterday at 6:15 ~ which is essentially like me taking a half day. As I was saying bye to my coworkers, my boss said "You're looking guilty."

Yeah, probably because slaves aren't ever allowed to stop working. Guilty.

Then today I left at 5:45. Total rebel status.

The irony is that the rest of the world has been totally against me. 

Yesterday, all power in my town was off from about 6-10pm. Sweet. I got off the exit by my house and thought the world was ending and no one had warned me. Police were directing traffic at every intersection, the gym was closed {I may or may not have celebrated at the sight of this}, and people were acting like maniacs.

Today, I wanted to get my nails done after work, but apparently the entire nail salon took a "snow day." That's funny ~ I didn't get a snow day. And I'm stronger because of it.

Oh well, nothing wrong with having some time to relax while the town shuts down.  

Please do not mistake this post as any form of complaining.


Joyfully His said...

I am glad you have gotten home at a normal hour this week! And I am glad that you are agreeing with me that this weather is miserable :)