Monday, February 22, 2010

Be Inspired.

Today at work we had a 2 hour session on balancing work and home life {whatever that means for me right now...insert work/life balance issue here}

What an awesome way to spend my afternoon ~ this session was extremely entertaining, funny, and very insightful! The free lunch was nice too.

I cannot wait to put to use some of the tips and words of wisdom that were shared. 

The recommendation that hit me the hardest was creating a "bucket list" of 100 things to do before you die. I know it sounds cliche, but the things this guy has crossed of his list were amazing! From running marathons to riding 50 foot whale sharks to visiting over 100 countries in his lifetime.

I want to do these things. I need to stop putting things off and waiting for my life to start.  

My life is now. 

Work is a part of my life, but not all of it. 

I'm beginning my "100 List" tonight. It's not a quick exercise or a permanent commitment. Instead, this list is meant to be an ongoing reminder of the bigger picture. As life changes, substitute new dreams and goals so that the list still fits you. 

By crossing off at least two items per year, think of how many unique experiences you could accomplish in your lifetime. 

Don't let life pass you by. Make a conscious effort to live your fullest life possible - whatever that means for you personally.


Shannon said...

You GO girl, sounds fun! I'm really glad to hear that your workplace is taking the time to talk about this stuff! Hope to see you again soon! :)