Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mom's Day!

Today is the 23rd Anniversary of my mom having the most wonderful daughter on earth! =)

Just kidding, mom! Apparently you also have the funniest kids around...

But seriously, you are the best! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I hope you enjoyed our weekend together and our fun afternoon at the movies as much as I did {although I thought I would be making a Mother's Day sacrifice at the movies, I am totally surprised that I loved Iron Man 2}.


I am so grateful to have a mother that is such a great secret keeper. Growing up I always felt so comfortable telling you embarrassing things and knowing that friends and neighbors {or even dad} wouldn't be hearing my issues later. I think this was especially noticeable because many of my friends' parents did not show their children the same respect.

I have such fond memories of days out ~ whether at the toy store with the giant slide entryway, or fun at "Kids Zone" {where Candace instilled a permanent fear of warts in me}, to riding around in the shopping cart at the grocery and always begging for junk from the machines on the way out.

I am so grateful for your unconditional love. I know that no matter what you will support me 100%.

  I definitely take after your sense of humor and creativity {and your ability to fall asleep during movies in record time}. You are so smart and the most caring person. It is no surprise to me that you are the only one at your work who makes sure everyone's birthday is recognized at the hospital. 

Thank you, Mom, for all you do. I cannot even begin to understand or list all of the many sacrifices you have made for us and I am so grateful. 

I love you always,
p.s. I know I owe you pictures from today ~ I swear I'll get them to you :)



Anonymous said...


I had a wonderful time this past weekend (even though you made me go shopping) and I thank you so much for the tribute on your blog (it's amazing, and kinda scary, what you remember from your childhood). I was surprised at how good that picture of the 3 of us came out with the camera propped on the trash can! Thank you so much for a wonderful Mother's Day with my kids, the food, the movie and my gifts. I love them all and I know you probably think it's silly that I cried over the socks, but the fact that you remembered after all this time. Thank you so much. And I will always support you - 200%. I have the best kids in the world!

Love you, Mom