Monday, January 25, 2010

I will choose JOY

Amongst life's many stresses, several things are bringing a smile to my face at the moment:
  • My butt has been to the gym 3 days in a row...I love the way I feel after working out, and I want to keep it up!
  • York Peppermint Patties {to balance out the workouts, duh}. This girl's got a sweet tooth.
  • The fact that several of my friends have started blogs...hint, hint to the others out there...
  • Country music ~ particularly the "Black Dress Song" and the song about dancing through the house...whatever it's called.
  • My wonderful friends that I don't get to spend enough time with, but love that when we hang out it feels like no time has passed :)
  • Ol' Boy asked me to dinner this week. I've decided {per my New Year's Resolution of being more open and accepting} that I wasn't right to judge him so quickly. From all I know so far, he is extremely nice and easy to talk to. And 2 bomb points to him for actually asking a girl on a date!
  • I am trying to limit the stress in my life ~ and feeling good so far this week {ha, I's only Monday, we'll see how the rest of the week goes}. I am trying to stress less about work because I am doing my best and that's all I've got.
  • Finally, I am already looking forward to the Starbucks I'm going to get tomorrow morning...because I deserve it ;)
Hope everyone had a Happy Day...despite it being Monday! 


Krista said...

I am so proud of you. You sounded happy when we talked last night, even though you were getting home at 9 (I know it was texting, but a girl can tell :).

You'll have to fill me in on the date! That a boy...

I hope starbucks was as good as you hoped...who am I kidding, it always is!!

love you!