Tuesday, August 24, 2010

stress mitigation.

I could perhaps be described as a "worry wart."

I realize that stress is all relative, and I thought I was getting better about appropriately dealing with the stresses in my life. 

However, this week and last have been out of control.

I need tips to deal with these feelings.

{Because I assume losing sleep, making myself sick, and avoiding contact with the outside world is not an appropriate way to cope...}

I try to go to the gym regularly to relieve stress, but am left getting home around 9pm with an overwhelming amount of stuff to finish before the next work day.

I try to get enough rest, but can't fall asleep thinking of all the items looming on my "to-do" list.

So, please help! What helps you deal with the stress in your life? How do you get it all done? And how do you deal with the feelings of failure that accompany not being able to get it all done?



Joyfully His said...

A)No matter how stressed you get, a lip piercing is not the answer (that girl looks like shes about to eat you!)
B) Something that I have been trying to realize is that I will get it all done, eventually. It may not be on my timeframe, but I will get it done.
C)Just take it one step at a time and dont look at the whole picture. It is less intimidating that way and there is such satisfaction that comes with scratching one thing off the to-do list.
D)When in doubt. Call friends to help :) Hang in there!

Kari Mac said...

Totally agree with Fulcher's suggestion "C". Breaking down the huge pile of work into specific tasks helps me a lot!

Another trick I've recently picked up: driving on the highway with my top down (the car top... Not my shirt) and blasting the music really loud so I can't hear myself singing at the top of my lungs. It just feels so liberating!

Since that method of stress relief isn't really an option for you, I'd suggest booze. It's been proven that alcohol reduces anxiety. ;)

Krista said...

Kari- Hilarious.

Dad always told me (and this was about studying but I think it could apply) to set a time frame. You are going to work til 10, 10:30, 11...whatever it is, then STOP! And forget about it; don't feel guilty. You've worked hard and you need some downtime so you can do your best work. So set a limit and then forget about it until you hit it hard again the next day. I realize that is easier said than done. But the company will not fail overnight and you will not be fired. So do your best, but don't hurt yourself in the process.

THis weekend will be a fun and much needed break with friends! :)