Thursday, February 17, 2011

coupon queen

...dollar diva...stellar saver...

ok, dork status again.

Anyway, let's talk grocery shopping and how to save money.

I've heard a lot of hype around coupon clipping lately, and frankly I could use a few pointers.

This weekend I opened my own Kroger Plus card {broke free from my parent's card} in hopes of receiving these fabulous customized coupons that everyone always raves about.

I came home and promptly registered my card with an email address.

Spent almost an hour piddling around the Kroger website and loading coupons {that I knew I would use, not things that I would buy only because I had a coupon for it}.

Total Savings: $1.35

HELP! I'm pretty sure I could find that much money in our couch cushions - and in under an hour at that!