Monday, November 8, 2010

surprise, surprise.

So, I was telling myself I would try not to be obnoxious about my birthday this year. 24 is not that exciting after all...BUT JUST 3 MORE DAYS! I am most excited about spending Saturday at lunch and shopping with my mom. For those who know my mom, this is not a gift. It is a birthday miracle.

Some things I've got my eye on include:

These boots {if they don't make me look like a duck in person}.

This sweater dress to wear with said boots.

Hopefully some blouses for layering.

And let's be honest...perhaps a cardigan.

Or two.
Who knows what we'll actually find...but I love having something to look forward to!


Krista said...

Yayy!! and we're about to have one fun filled weekend too, just for you :)