Thursday, October 7, 2010

faaabulous me.

I was talking to a "friend" at the gym today {don't be impressed, it's my first time back in the gym after a 3 week "hiatus"} about negotiating a new monthly rate.

Amidst our usual witty banter {read: my charming personality, "friend" graciously putting up with me}, he asked why I deserved a cheaper rate.

Without skipping a beat, I responded, "Because I'm a loyal member...and I'm faaabulous."

To which he replied, "Who says?"

"Well, no one lately," I answered, "but that's what I tell myself."

And then I realized, after having this silly, meaningless conversation, that I should be telling myself things like this more often. There's nothing wrong with me dropping myself the occasional compliment. Toot toot.

Are you a member of your own fan club?

As many women are, I am usually my toughest critic. Take a minute {heck, even an hour...or a day! gasp} to see yourself how others see you.

I certainly have my faults, but today I'm recognizing the good because there really is good in everyone.

"If you put a small value upon yourself, rest assured the world will not raise your price." ~Author Unknown


Joyfully His said...

Yes, you ARE faaabulous :)

MJ said...

Agreed -- you are fabulous! The real questions is, did you get the discount? Haha.

I wish I was as loyal as you...I couldn't button one of my favorite pairs of jeans yesterday.