What an eventful year!
I started 2009 with my best friends from college, lived in the
In May, I
I now live alone in a 1 bedroom apartment. I have learned to shower, sleep, and live on my own without letting my imagination {or loneliness} get the best of me {with the exception of the occasional nightmare or pitty party ~ it happens}. I am learning to cook and be independent. I am gradually meeting new people and exploring the town. I am learning more than I could have ever imagined at work. I am officially acting like an adult.
Reflecting on how much things have changed and how much I have grown in 2009, I can only imagine where I will be a year from now.
In 2010, I hope to:
- Continue to meet new people and make the new city feel like home. I want to be more open to new things. Even though something or someone is different, that is ok.
- Create a better work-life balance {thus also supporting the aforementioned goal} while also learning and growing in my job.
- Start living a healthier lifestyle. I want to continue working out regularly, but "change" can no longer be my excuse for not eating healthy.
This has been a year of change {excuse the cliche Obama catch phrase} for many of us! What is your favorite memory from 2009, and what would you like to change in 2010?
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