Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Claus is Coming!

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and enjoys time relaxing and being with family.

I am so looking forward to getting out of work mode, sleeping in, hanging out with old friends, and being with family this holiday season.

I love cooking, playing games, and watching movies with my parents and my brother over Christmas. Lil' bro beat us in a game of Settlers last night...tonight I plan to crush everyone in Jenga! :)

On Christmas morning, Tony still wakes us all up before 6am..even though he's now 20. Despite my initial grumpy morning attitude, I love that he keeps the excitement and child-like spirit alive in our home!

After opening all our gifts under the tree, we then look in our stockings for final little surprises, followed by mom's infamous "skinny pancakes" for breakfast {which are somewhat like crepes...but better :) ... for those of you not fortunate enough to have tried them}.

We spend the day relaxing and finish it with a delicious meal {which includes fav!}. Above all, I am so thankful for the love of my family!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!