Sunday, January 9, 2011


Not to be cocky {pun intended}, but I can be pretty good at finding deals from time to time.

Some could argue that a purchase is not technically a "deal" if it is the wrong size or if it is never used.

Like the $2.88 steal I got on two pairs of shoes at Target. Problem was that one pair was a size 5 1/2 and the other a size 9. I wear a 7. I just couldn't resist such cheap flats, and rationalized that I'd "make them work."

Or the many dirt cheap cotton dresses I have purchased in past years that are way too large and sit in my closet because I feel like a balloon each time I attempt to wear them.

Well, today I happened upon this hideous rooster calendar for only 53 cents!! Who could resist? Not this girl.

At least this bargain will be used - I've already filled in birthdays and holidays.

Not beautiful, but it serves a purpose.


Joyfully His said...

Not going to lie, that is hideous! Ha! JK, JK...Good job at being thrifty! I guess now the trick is being getting those kinds of deals on things you would actually like :)

Krista said...

hahah! you can never resist if they are practically giving them away! you're hilarious.
however, i will be SHOCKED if you've hung it open for everyone to see. my guess is it's closed on your desk or maybe even tucked in a drawer...