Thursday, December 2, 2010

flaws and all.

I have a confession. 

I came to this revelation tonight, but I have a serious issue with commitment.

The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one, right?

Whether it be deciding on an apartment to rent, what color sweater to buy, or simply what I would like to do on New Year's Eve {the  most recent conundrum), it causes me anxiety. And then I get annoyed.

Perhaps the deeper issue is the fact that I am continuously wondering what my other options are. I don't fear that I am making the wrong decision, just that there may be a better one. And the longer it takes me to commit, the longer I have to conduct an internal debate about other possible solutions.

I need to work on being content and grateful. For example, no matter what color sweater I buy, I'm still getting a new piece of clothing... and everything goes with jeans so any color would work.

No matter what the New Year's plans are, I'll be with friends {and some drinks} which guarantees a good time. Who cares what the other two folks who can't make it are doing, right? I should just focus on what I'm doing and have fun doing it.

Perhaps this character flaw also has something to do with why I am perpetually single??

Bottom-line: Lower standards a smidge and be happy with the opportunities that are given to you.


Rachel said...

It's great to hear from you on our blog! What are you up to these days? Where do you live now??

Thanks for commenting, we can be blog buddies with you:)

Krista said...

My parents told me, quite recently actually, that I need to be sure to enjoy whatever I'm doing when I'm doing it. Everything is not going to be the BEST thing you've EVER done, but you can't always weigh every option and try to always pick the "best" one. You just have to enjoy whatever it is you're doing! Everything was always "fine" or "kinda fun", like I was waiting for the next thing to be better! But it's not, this is life and one of the most fun times in it. We should be having fun doing everything. I've been trying to keep that in mind recently.

We have no serious life stress yet, just money to spend and time to play with!

Love you, as always :)

PS Cute new layout!

MJ said...

My problem is with indecision! Just as stressful's the same idea. Even if I can't decide what to order, I am still getting to EAT and should be grateful for that!

You and Southern Charm are making me feel guilty about my lack of a new layout...